GAUSS Runtime Download

MURRAP (updated November 2022)

This software is currently in development at the MURR Archaeometry Laboratory and it has been made available for testing only. Please report all bugs and software problems to help us in producing a more stable software package for the archaeometry community. We thank you for your help in beta testing this software, and all contributions will be fully acknowledged in future versions of this software.


This software is in the public domain, and the recipient may not assert any proprietary rights thereto nor represent it to anyone as other than a program developed by the Archaeometry Laboratory of the University of Missouri. This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes all responsibility for the accuracy and suitability of this program for a specific application. In no event will the authors or the University be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of or the inability to use this program.

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