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Year | Title | Author(s) | Material | Data Download |
1990 | The INAH Salvage Archaeology Excavations at Azcapotzalco, Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica 1(2): 225–232. |
Garcia-Chavez, P. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1991 | Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Knife River Flint from the Primary Source Area: Phase I: Elemental Description and Statement of Variability Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Mississippi |
Christensen, R.C. | Chert | Link to download |
1992 | A Compositional Perspective on Ceramic Production in the Aztec Empire In: Chemical Characterization of Ceramic Pastes in Archaeology, H. Neff (ed.). Monographs in World Archaeology, No. 7. Prehistory Press: Madison |
Hodge, M.G. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1992 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Late Woodland Ceramics from the Lake Superior Basin In: Chemical Characterization of Ceramic Pastes in Archaeology, H. Neff (ed.). Monographs in World Archaeology, No. 7. Prehistory Press: Madison |
Clark, C.P. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1992 | An Evaluation of the Production and Exchange of Tanque Verde Red-on-Brown Ceramics from Southern Arizona In: Chemical Characterization of Ceramic Pastes in Archaeology, H. Neff (ed.). Monographs in World Archaeology, No. 7. Prehistory Press: Madison |
Fish, P.R. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1992 | The Use of Blue-Gray Chert in Midwestern Prehistory Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 17(2): 166–197 |
Morrow, C.A. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
1992 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Stone from the Chadron Formation and a Clovis Site on the Great Plains Journal of Archaeological Science 19: 655–665 |
Hoard, R.J. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
1992 | A New Obsidian Source in the Highlands of Guatemala Ancient Mesoamerica 3: 47–49 |
Braswell, G.E. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1992 | Obsidian-Artifact Source Analysis for the Mixtequilla Region, South-Central Veracruz, Mexico Latin American Antiquity 3(3): 221–239 |
Stark, B.L. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1992 | Report by Neff & Glascock to Jeffrey Quilter entitled “Neutron Activation Analysis of Formative Period Pottery from Huaca Prieta, Peru.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Quilter, J. | Pottery | Link to download |
1993 | Obsidian Use in the Late and Terminal Classic Periods at the Lowland Maya Site of Colha, Belize Ancient Mesoamerica 4: 271–283 |
Dreiss, M.L. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1993 |
American Antiquity 58(4): 698–710 |
Hoard, R.J. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
1994 | Hornos y Producción de Cerámica Durante el Periodo Formativo en Batán Grande, Costa Norte del Peru In: La Technología y la Organización de Producción de las Ceramicas en los Andes Prehispánicos, Shimada, I. (ed.). Fondo Editorial, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru: Lima, pp. 67–119 |
Shimada, I. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1994 | Compositional Analysis of Eastern Sigillata A and Related Wares from Tel Anafa (Israel). Journal of Archaeological Science 21(1): 51–64. |
Slane, K.W. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1994 | The Obsidian Artifacts of Quelepa, El Salvador Ancient Mesoamerica 5: 173–192. |
Braswell, G.E. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1994 | White Mountain Redware: Expensive Trade Goods of Local Commodity Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Freien University of Berlin |
Triadan, D. | Pottery | Link to download |
1995 | The Origin of Puuc Slate Ware: New Data from Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica 6: 119–134 |
Smyth, M.P. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1995 |
American Antiquity 60(3): 515–530 |
Lizee, J.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1995 | Characterization of Mesa Verda Black-on-White Ceramics from Southwestern Colorado using NAA Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 196(2): 215–222 |
Glowacki, D.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1995 | Exchange Implications of Obsidian Source Analysis from the Lower Rio Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico Latin American Antiquity 6(1): 3–15 |
Joyce, A.A. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1995 | Neutron-Activation Analysis of Campbell Appliquéd Pottery from Southeastern Missouri and Western Tennessee: Implications for Late Mississippian Intersite Relations Southeastern Archaeology 14(2): 181–194 |
O’Brien, M.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1995 | INAA of Samples of Mayan Pottery for Ronald Bishop in 1995 at MURR Unpublished research by Ronald Bishop |
Bishop, R.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
1995 | Report by Neff & Glascock to Glenn Russell entitled “Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery from the Cerro Mayal Ceramic Workshop and Other Sites in the Chicama Valley, Peru.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Russell, G.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
1996 | Large-scale Patterns in the Chemical Composition of Mississippian Pottery American Antiquity 61(3): 555–572 |
Steponaitis, V.P. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1996 |
American Antiquity 61(2): 389–404 |
Neff, H. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1996 | The Effect of Firing Temperature on the Elemental Characterization of Pottery Journal of Archaeological Science 23(2): 283–287 |
Cogswell, J.C. et al. | Clay | Link to download |
1996 | Ceramic Production in the Banda Area (west-central Ghana): An Ethnoarchaeological Approach Nyame Akuma 45: 39039 |
das Dores Cruz, M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1996 | Clays Used in the Manufacture of Cypriot Red Slip Pottery and Related Ceramics Report to the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 1996: 69–82 |
Gomez, B. et al. | Clay | Link to download |
1996 | Risk, Climatic variability, and the Study of Southwestern Pottery: An Evolutionary Perspective American Antiquity 61(2): 217–241 |
Larson, D.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1996 | An Archaeological Investigation of a Late Classic Maya Household on Albion Island, Belize. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Florida State University |
Kirby, M.D. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1996 | Report by Neff, Glascock & Cogswell to Marvin Jeter “Compositional Analysis of Pottery and Clays from Southeastern Arkansas (Taylor Mounds)”. Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Jeter, M.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
1997 | Environment, Lithic Economy, and Mobility during Aurignacian Occupation of the Lower Vézère Valley in France Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, New York University |
Blades, B. | Chert | Link to download |
1997 | The Adaptive Origins of Prehispanic Markets in Central Mexico: The Role of Maize-Grinding Tools and Related Staple Products in Early State Economies. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California–Los Angeles |
Biskowski, M. | Basalt | Link to download |
1997 | Appendix 1. Results of Neutron Activation Analysis at MURR In: Tel Anafa, II, Part 1, Hellenistic and Romany Pottery, Berlin, A.M., Slane, K.W., and Herbert, S.C. (eds.). Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement X, Vol. II(i): 394–401 |
Slane, K.W. | Pottery | Link to download |
1997 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery from Pinson Mounds and Nearby Sites in Western Tennessee: Local Production vs. Long-Distance Importation Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 22(1): 43–68 |
Mainfort, R.C. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1997 | Ceramic Production, Distribution, and Consumption in Two Classic Period Hohokam Communities Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona |
Harry, K.G. | Pottery | Link to download |
1997 | Chemical Characterization of Archaeologically Important Obsidian Sources in Oregon Unpublished M.S. thesis, Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri |
Ambroz, J.A. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1997 | Assessment of Urban Cultural Roles from the Archaeological Record: A Ceramic Perspective Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin |
Manning, A.P. | Pottery | Link to download |
1997 | Obsidian Distribution and Exchange in the North-Central Frontier of Mesoamerica, A.D. 0-1500. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan |
Darling, J.A. | Obsidian | Link to download |
1997 | Report by Neff & Glascock to Geoffrey Emberling entitled “Compositional Analysis of Early Third Millennium Mesopotamian Painted Ceramics.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Emberling, G. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 |
Archaeometry 40(1): 23–44 |
Truncer, J. et al. | Steatite | Link to download |
1998 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery In: Petra Great Temple, Volume I: Brown University Excavations, 1993-1997, Joukowsky, M.S. (ed.). pp. 346-367 |
Bedal, L. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | The Potter's Craft: A Study of Formative Maya Ceramic Technology at K'axob, Belize Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Boston University |
Angelini, M.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Ceramic Studies in the Missouri Bootheel Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri |
Cogswell, J.C. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | An Initial Assessment of the Production and Movement of thirteenth Century Ceramic Vessels in the Mesa Verde Region The Kiva 63(3): 217–240 |
Glowacki, D.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Prehistoric Occupation of the Calumet Dune Ridge, Northwest Indiana Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 23(2): 221–262 |
Lynott, M.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Geological-geochemical Approach to Sourcing of Prehistoric Chert Artifacts, Northwestern Alaska Geoarchaeology 13(7): 673–708 |
Malyk-Selivanova, N. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
1998 | Clay Sources, Pottery Production, and Regional Economy in Chalchihuites, Mexico, A.D. 200-900 Latin American Antiquity 9(3): 259–274 |
Strazicich, N.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | The Evolution of Complex Societies in Southeastern Pacific Coastal Guatemala: A Regional GIS Archaeological Approach Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Boston University |
Estrada Belli, F. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Lithic Sourcing Studies: As Assessment of Current Techniques on a Collected Sample of Cherts from the Western Ozarks. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Tulsa |
Maggard, G.J. | Chert | Link to download |
1998 | Time and Technological Change: Ceramic Production, Labor, and Economic Transformation in Third Millenium Complex Society (Tell Leilan, Syria) Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona |
Senior, L.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Postclassic Craft Production in Morelos, Mexico: The Cotton Thread Industry in the Provinces Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh |
Fauman-Fichman, R. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | At the Bean Hill in the Land of the Mixtec: Early Formative Social Complexity and Interregional Interaction at Etlatongo, Oaxaca, Mexico Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology |
Blomster, J.P. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | INAA of Pottery from the Site of Villa El Salvador, Lurin Valley, Peru Unpublished research on pottery from Peru |
Delgado, M. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Mineralogical Characterization of Ceramic Body Sherds from the Helb Site (39CA208), Campbell County, South Dakota: A Pilot Study M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas |
Dunn, G. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Report by Cogswell, Neff & Glascock to Robert Jeske “Compositional Variation of Pottery and Clays in the Upper Illinois River Valley.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Jeske, R.J. | Pottery | Link to download |
1998 | Before the Fluorescence: Chronological Reconstructions at Chac II, Yucatan, Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica 9: 137–150 |
Smyth, M.P. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | Regional Interaction and the Transformation of Western Pueblo Identities, A.D. 1275-1400 Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Duff, A.I.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | Early Pottery from Sunga Va and Implications for the Development of Ceramic Technology in Owens Valley, California Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 21(2): 275–285 |
Eerkens, J.W. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | An Ethnoarchaeology Study of Pottery Production in Paradijon, Gubat, The Philippines Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona |
Neupert, M.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | Chipped Stone Artefacts, Source Areas, and Provenance Studies of the Northern Belize Chert-Bearing Zone Journal of Archaeological Science 26(4): 389–397 |
Cackler, P.R. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
1999 | Late Preclassic Ceramic Industries of Pacific Guatemala and El Salvador: The Pacific Coast as a Core, not Periphery Journal of Field Archaeology 26(4): 377–390 |
Kosakowsky, L.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | Design Analysis and Chemical Characterization of Non-Tublar Stone Pipes of the Great Plains and Eastern United States. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri |
Mead. A.H. | Pipestone | Link to download |
1999 | Report by Cogswell, Neff & Glascock to Janet Brashler entitled “Compositional Analysis of Woodland Pottery and Clays from the Grand and Kalamazoo River Valleys, Michigan.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Brashler, J. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | The Third Season of Excavations at Alcaria Longa Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Boone, J.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | Sourcing the Middle Ceramic Period: Investigations of Upper Republican Ceramics on the Central and High Plains M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming |
Cobry, A.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | Report by Neff & Glascock to Rex Harris entitled “Compositional Analysis of Palo Duro Phase Ceramics.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Harris, R.C. | Pottery | Link to download |
1999 | The Late Formative to Classic Period Obsidian Economy at Palo Errado, Veracruz, Mexico Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh |
Knight, C.L.F | Obsidian | Link to download |
2000 | The Foreign Relations of the "Hyksos": A Neutron Activation Study of Middle Bronze Age Pottery from the Eastern Mediterranean BAR International Series 888. Archaeopress, Oxford. |
McGovern, P.E. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Clays of Contention: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Factionalism and Clay Composition Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7(3):249–272 |
Neupert, M.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Ceramic Technology and Social Boundaries: Cultural Practices in Kalinga Clay Selection and Use Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7(4):295–331 |
Stark, M.T. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | An Integrative Study of Ceramic Exchange During the Illinois Valley Middle Woodland Period Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, SUNY–Buffalo. |
Fie, S.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Sourcing Three Circle Phase Ceramics from Old Town (LA1113), Luna County, New Mexico Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, New Mexico State University |
Chandler, S.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Helb Site Pots: Is it Huff or Memorex? Plains Anthropologist 45(173):323-330 |
Kay, M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 |
American Antiquity 65(1):103-126 |
Lynott, M.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Ceramic Raw Material and Pottery Variability from La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico. “A Test for Zonal Complementarity.” Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas |
Methner, B.E. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Archaeological Investigations of Marcaya: A Village Approach to Nasca Sociopolitical and Economic Organization Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Santa Barbara |
Vaughn, K.J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | A study of the Late Postclassic Aztec-Tarascan Frontier in Northern Guerrero, Mexico: The Oztuma-Cutzamala Project Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University |
Silverstein, J. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2000 |
Archaeometry 42(2):301-316 |
Arnold, D.E. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Investigating Social Inequality: A Comparative Analysis of Late Classic Maya Residential Sites in the Three Rivers Region Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio |
Lyle, A.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Report by Neff & Glascock to Robert Shuster and Gloria London entitled “INAA of Iron Age Pottery from Tell Hisban and Tel al ‘Umayri, Central Jordan.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Shuster, R. & London, G. | Pottery | Link to download |
2000 | Steatite Vessel Manufacture in Eastern North America Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington |
Truncer, J.J. | Steatite | Link to download |
2000 | Report by Parks, Neff & Glascock to Jaime Uhlenbrock entitled “Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramic Figurines from Sicilian Naxos.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Uhlenbrock, J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2001 | Political Economy and Settlement Systems of Medieval Northern Morocco: An Archaeological-Historical Approach Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Ennahid, S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2001 | Political Economy, Spatial Analysis, and Postclassic States in the Yautepec Valley, Mexico Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Albany |
Hare, T.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2001 | Where the Lost was Found: Geologic Sources of Artifact Raw Materials from Lost Dune (35HA792), Harney County, Southeastern Oregon Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University |
Lyons, W.H. | Chert | Link to download |
2001 | Winslow Orange Ware and the Ancestral Hopi Migration Horizon Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona |
Lyons. P.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2001 | Imports and Imitations: Compositional and Stylistic Analysis of Aztec-style Ceramics from Veracruz, Mexico Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Skoglund, T. | Pottery | Link to download |
2001 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 28(11): 1185-1190 |
Descantes, C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2001 | Investigating Late Neolithic Pottery from the Amuq Plain, Turkey by INAA Unpublished research, Department of Anthropology, Yale University |
Diebold, B. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Indígena Ware: Spain to Valley of Mexico In: Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange, Glascock, M.D. (ed.). Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CN. |
Rodriquez-Alegria, E. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | The Emergence of Market Economies in the Ancient Maya World: Obsidian Exchange in Terminal Classic Yucatan, Mexico In: Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange, Glascock, M.D. (ed.). Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CN. |
Braswell, G. E. ;& Glascock, M.D. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2002 | Exploring the Landscapes of Long-Distance Exchange: Evidence from Obsidian Cliffs and Devil's Tower, Wyoming In: Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange, Glascock, M.D. (ed.). Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CN. |
Molyneaux, B. L. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2002 | From Loess Plains to High Plains: The Westward Movement of Upper Republican Pots In: Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange, Glascock, M.D. (ed.). Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CN. |
Cobry, A. M. & Roper, D.C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Long-Distance Obsidian Traffic in Northwestern Argentina In: Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange, Glascock, M.D. (ed.). Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CN. |
Yacobaccio, H.D. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2002 | A Geochemical Vector for Trade: Cyprus, Asia Minor, and the Roman East In: Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange, Glascock, M.D. (ed.). Bergin and Garvey, Westport, CN. |
Parks, D.A. & Neff, H. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Olmec Pottery Report prepared by the MURR Archaeometry Laboratory |
Neff, H. & Glascock, M.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Quantitative Techniques for Analyzing Ceramic Compositional Data In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Neff, H. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Black Mountain Phase Ceramics and Their Implications for Manufacture and Exchange Patterns In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Creel, D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Chaco and the Production and Exchange of Dogoszhi Style Pottery In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Neitzel, J.E. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Resource Use, Red Ware Production , and Vessel Distribution in the Northern San Juan Region In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Glowacki, D.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Artifact Design, Composition, and Context: Updating the Analysis of Ceramic Circulation at Point of Pines, Arizona In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Zedeño, M.N. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | From Compositional to Anthropological: 14th Century Red Ware Circulation and its Implications for Pueblo Reorganization In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Triadan, D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Ceramic Production and Distribution in Two Classic Period Hohokam Communities In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Harry, K.G. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Protohistoric Ceramics from the Texas Southern Plains: Documenting Plains-Pueblo Interactions In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Boyd, D.K. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Patayan Ceramic Variability: Using Trace Element and Petrographic Analysis to Study Brown and Buff Wares in Southern California In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Hildebrand, J.A. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Typologies and Classification of Great Basin Pottery: A New Look at Death Valley Brownwares In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). UCLA Press |
Eerkens, J.W. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Resource Use, Red-Ware Production, and Vessel Distribution in the Northern San Juan Region In: Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and Complementary Mineralogical Investigations, Glowacki, D.M. and Neff, H. (eds.). The Costen Institute of Archaeology. UCLA Press |
Judge, W.J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Obsidian Artifacts from San Andres La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Florida State University |
Doering, T.F. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2002 | The Gathering of the Clans: Understanding Ancestral Hopi Migration and Identity, A.D. 1275-1400. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Bernardini, W. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Potting on Zion: Historical Archaeology of Technology and Utah’s Ceramics Industry: 1848-1930. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada-Reno |
Scarlett, T.J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | Description and Method of Exploitation of the Alca Obsidian Sources, Peru. Latin American Antiquity 13(1): 107–118. |
Jennings, J. & M.D. Glascock | Obsidian | Link to download |
2002 | Report by Neff & Glascock to Darlene Moore entitled “Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis Study of Pottery and Clays from Guam.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Moore, D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2002 | The Archaeology of San Francisco de Arriba, Oaxaca Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University |
Workinger, A. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2002 | Un Mundo de Obsidiana: Minería y Comercio de un Vidrio Volcánico en el México Antiguo / A World of Obsidian: The Mining and Trade of Volcanic Glass in Ancient Mexico. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia and University of Pittsburgh Press, Mexico City and Pittsburgh. |
Cobean, Robert H. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2003 | Shaping Quotidian Worlds: Ceramic Production and Consumption in Banda, Ghana c. 1780–1994 Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, SUNY–Binghamton |
Das Dores Girao da Cruz, M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 30(9): 1139–1159 |
Lyons, W.H. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2003 | Tuxtlas Obsidian: Organization and Change in a Regional Craft Industry Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico |
Barrett, T.P. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2003 | The Organization of Production of Chuska Gray Ware Ceramics for Distribution and Consumption in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico |
King, V. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 | Village Formation During the Pueblo III to Pueblo IV Period Transition: Contextualizing Bryand Ranch Pueblo, Arizona. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Scholnick, J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 | Interaction, Population Movement, and Political Economy: The Changing Social Landscape of Northeastern Florida (A.D. 900-1600) Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida |
Ashley, K. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 | INAA of Pottery from San Juan region, New Mexico Unpublished research project. No report available |
Grimm, W. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 | A Case Study in the Relationship between Social Complexity and the Organization of Ceramic Production from the Lake Patzcuaro Basin, Michoacan, Mexico Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University |
Hirshman, A.J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 | Household Ceramic Production and the Crafting of Society in the Terminal Classic Ulua Valley, Honduras Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Berkeley |
Lopiparo, J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2003 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Late Mississippian Period Pottery from the Greenbrier Site (31N1), Independence County, Arkansas The Arkansas Archaeologist 44: 1-19 |
Morrow, J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Chert Artifacts from a Hopewell Mound Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262(1): 97–102 |
Glascock, M.D. | Chert | Link to download |
2004 | Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Chert from the Williamson and Bolster’s Store Sources, Dinwiddie County, and the Mitchell Plantation Source, Sussex County, Virginia The Quarterly Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Virginia 59(4): 211-227 |
Stevenson, C.M. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2004 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Urartian Pottery from Eastern Anatolia Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262(1): 119-127 |
Speakman, R.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 | Small Sites Archaeology at Runnoe Park: Temporary Camps Recurring Along the Western Shore of Green Bay During the Late Woodland Stage Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, American University |
Lowrey, N.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 | Migration, Agency, and Social Change on a Prehistoric Frontier: The Paracas-Nasca Transition in the Southern Nasca Drainage, Peru Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Santa Barbara |
Van Gijseghem, H. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 |
Archaeometry 46(4): 585-606 |
Hill, D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 | Interaction, Boundaries and Identities: A Multiscalar Approach to the Organizational Scale of Pueblo IV Zuni Society Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Huntley, D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 | Cultural Transmission of Ceramic Technology during the Consolidation of Agriculture in Valencia, Spain Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Santa Barbara |
McClure, S.B. | Pottery | Link to download |
2004 | Report by Speakman & Glascock to Curtis Nepstad-Thornberry entitled “INAA of Plains Village Pottery from South Dakota and Nebraska.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Nepstad-Thornberry, C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 | Olmec Pottery Production and Export in Ancient Mexico Determined Through Elemental Analysis Science 307(5712): 1068–1072 |
Blomster, J.P. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 |
Archaeology of Eastern North America 33: 105–126 |
Boulanger, M.T. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2005 | The Ceramic Oil Lamp as an Indicator of Cultural Change within Nabataean Society in Petra and its Environs Circa CE 106 Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Brown University |
Barrett, D.G. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 |
African Archaeological Review 22(3): 141–168 |
Usman, A.A. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 | Report by Speakman & Glascock to Scott Hammerstedt entitled “INAA of Pottery from Annis Village (15BT20), Kentucky.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Hammerstedt, S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 | Report by Little & Glascock to Donald Janzen entitled “INAA of Baked Clay Balls from the Poverty Point Site, Louisiana and Clarksville Site, Indiana.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Janzen, D.E. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 32(5): 795–804 |
Kolb, M.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2005 | Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Snake Valley Series Ceramics from Southwestern Utah Utah Archaeology 18: 7–29 |
Reed, A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Ceramic Production and Exchange in Late/Terminal Formative Period Oaxaca Latin American Antiquity 17(4): 579–594 |
Joyce, A.A. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 |
Latin American Antiquity 17(4): 541–560 |
Skoglund, T. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. XXXIII: Hellenistic Pottery, The Plain Wares American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, NJ. |
Rotroff, S.I. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Characterizing the Stoneware “Dragon Jars” in the Guthe Collection Chemical, Decorative and Formal Patterning Asian Perspectives 45(2): 240–282 |
Sinopoli, C.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Characterization of New England Chert Sources by Neutron Activation Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 95: 477–478 |
Boulanger, M.T. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2006 | Production, Exchange, and Social Identity: A Study of Chupadero Black-on-White Pottery Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Clark, T.C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | The Politics of Commerce: Aztec Pottery Production and Exchange in the Basin of Mexico, A.D. 1200-1650 Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University |
Garraty, C.P. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Report by Speakman & Glascock to Joe Herbert entitled “INAA of Ceramic Materials from Fort Bragg, NC.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Herbert, J.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Report by Ferguson & Glascock to John Hildebrand entitled “INAA of Lower Colorado River Buffwares from the Lower Colorado River Region.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Hildebrand, J.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Emerging Elite Economies: A Diachronic Perspective of Obsidian Distribution in the Belize River Valley M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Texas State University |
Kersey, K.M. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2006 | Late Bronze Age Power Dynamics in Southern Caucasia: A Community Perspective on Political Landscapes Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Santa Barbara |
Lindsay, I.C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2006 | Report by Cecil, Speakman & Glascock to Akin Ogundiran entitled “INAA of Pottery and Clay from Upper Osun, Yorubaland (SW Nigeria).” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Ogundiran, A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | Analysis of an Obsidian Biface Reportedly Found in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont Archaeology of Eastern North America 35: 81–92. |
Boulanger, M.T. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2007 |
Latin American Antiquity 18(2): 123–144 |
Crider, D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 |
Latin American Antiquity 18(1): 59–84 |
Stark, B.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | The Archaeology of Community in Iron I Central Jordan Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania |
Porter, B.W. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery of Field I (The Village) at ‘Iraq Al-Amir’, Jordan: A Typological Study Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Brown University |
Zimmerman, M.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | History, Archaeology and the Construction of Ethnicity: Bell Type II Ceramics and the Potawatomi Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Naunapper, L.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | Population Circulation and the Transformation of Ancient Cibola Communities Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Schachner, G. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | Linking Household and Polity at Late Postclassic Period Yucu Dzza (Tututepec), a Mixtec Capital on the Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado |
Levine, M.N. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | Report by Cecil & Glascock to Michael Ohnersorgen entitled “INAA of Pottery and Clays from Chacalilla, Nayarit, Mexico.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Ohnersorgen, M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | Report by Ferguson & Glascock to Luis Alvarado entitled “INAA of Ochoa-Indented Pottery from the Southern Plains.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Alvarado, L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2007 | Report by Ferguson, Rosania & Glascock to Jay Franklin entitled “INAA of Pottery from the Holliston Mills Site, Upper Eastern Tennessee.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Franklin, J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Elemental Analysis and Characterization of Ochre Sources from Southern Arizona Journal of Archaeological Science 35(3): 752–762 |
Popelka-Filcoff, R.S. et al. | Ochre | Link to download |
2008 | Trace Element Studies of the Arkansas Novaculite Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas |
Scarr, K.D. | Chert | Link to download |
2008 | Chemical Characterization of Edwards Chert from the Callahan Divide, Jones, Nolan, and Taylor Counties, Texas Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas |
Caffrey, K.A. | Chert | Link to download |
2008 | Production Zone Sourcing and Intra-Regional Exchange of Ceramics in the Fourth Millenium BC Susiana Plain: A Case Study In: Chogha Mish II: The Development of a Regional Center in Lowland Susiana: Final Report on the Last 6 Seasons of Excavations, edited by A. Alizadeh. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications Vol. 13C: 93-151 & 385-395 |
Ghazal, R.O. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Saladoid Economy and Complexity on the Arawakan Frontier Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Florida State University |
Hardy, M.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Informal Identity and the Mimbres Phenomenon: Investigating Regional Identity and Archaeological Cultures in the Mimbres Mogollon Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma |
Schreiver, B.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Evaluating the Cultural Origins of Complexity in the Ancestral Pueblo World Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Chamberlin, M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Ceramic Production and Exchange Among Enslaved Africans on St. Kitts, West Indies Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 109-122 |
Ahlman, T.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Compositional Analysis of Ceramics from La Aleta, Dominican Republic: Implications for Site Function and Organization Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 57-68 |
Conrad, G.W. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Preliminary Interpretations of Ceramic Compositional Analysis from Late Ceramic Age Sites in Anguilla and the Salt River Site in St. Croix Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 45-56 |
Crock, J.G. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Preliminary Petrographic and Chemical Analyses of Prehistoric Ceramics from Carriacou, West Indies Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 59-82 |
Fitzpatrick, S.M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Locating Enslaved Craft Production: Chemical Analyses of Eighteenth Century Jamaican Pottery. Journal of Caribbean Archaeology Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 123-148 |
Hauser, M.W. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Compositional Analysis of French Colonial Ceramics: Implications for Understanding Trade and Exchange Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 85-108 |
Kelly, K.G. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Pre-columbian Pottery in the West Indies: Compositional Change in Context Journal of Caribbean Archaeology 8: 25-44 |
Siegel, P.E. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 |
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27(3): 363-381 |
Stahl, A.B. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2008 | Report by Boulanger & Glascock to Charlotte Whiting entitled “NAA of Iron Age II Pottery from Khirbet el-Daba and Survey Sites 6, 20, 25, 69, and 139.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Whiting, C.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 36(9): 1955–1964 |
Lazzari, M. et al. | Pottery Obsidian |
Link to download |
2009 | Chiconautla, Mexico: A Crossroads of Aztec Trade and Politics Latin American Antiquity 20(3): 443–472 |
Nichols, D.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 | Traditions of Ceramic Technology: An Analysis of the Assemblages from Angkor Borei, Cambodia Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai’-Manoa |
Fehrenbach, S.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Five Archaeological Sites in Antigua, West Indies Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History |
Descantes, C. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 | Chemical Analyses of Pottery and Clays from the Islamic City of al-Basra and Its Hinterland in Northern Morocco In: Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de Ceramica Medieval en el Mediterraneo (Ciudad Real-Almagro), J. Zozaya et al. (eds.). |
Benco, N.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 |
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 1(3): 11-21 |
Carrano, J.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 | The Largo-Gallina Household: A View from the L/102 Site Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, American University |
Massouh, P.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2009 | Communities of Pottery Production and Consumption on the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia, 200 BC-300AD Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Berkeley |
Roddick, A.P. | Pottery | Link to download |
2010 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 2598–2611. |
Wallis, N.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2010 | New Evidence for Apulian Red-Figure Production Centres Archaeometry 52(5): 777–795 |
Thorn, J. & Glascock, M.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2010 | America’s First Colony: Olmec Materiality and Ethnicity at Canton Corralito, Chiapas, Mexico Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University |
Cheetham, D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 38(5): 965–976 |
Huckell, B.B. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2011 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 38(5): 943–955 |
Anderson, S.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Geochemical Characterization of Tecovas and Alibates Source Samples Plains Anthropologist 56(219): 121–141 |
Quigg, J.M. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2011 | Bronze Age Ceramic Economy: The Benta Valley, Hungary European Journal of Archaeology 14(3): 419–440 |
Earle, T. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Identity and Social Transformation in the Cibola World: A.D. 1150-1325 Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University |
Peeples, M.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Epiclassic and Early Postclassic Interaction in Central Mexico as Evidenced by Decorated Pottery Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University |
Crider, D.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Domestic Economies and Regional Transition: Household Production and Consumption in Early Postclassic Mexico Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University |
DeLucia, K.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Report by Ferguson, Ferguson & Glascock to Ghada Daher entitled “Neutron Activation Analysis of Terracotta Figurines from Beirut, Lebanon.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Daher, G. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Using NAA to Examine the Rise and Fall of the Wari Empire and the Impact on Social Structure in Andahuaylas, Peru Unpublished research on ceramics from Peru |
Kurin, D. and Pink, C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Report by Ferguson & Glascock to Neal Lopinot entitled “NAA of Ceramic and Clay Samples from the La Reconnaissance Site, Trinidad, West Indies.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Lopinot, N. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | Shifting Power and Prestige in the Ayacucho Valley, Peru’s South Central Highlands: Materiality of Huarpa and Wari Ceramics Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, American University |
Nishizawa, H. | Pottery | Link to download |
2011 | INAA of Colonial Period Ceramics from the Southeastern USA to Analyze Relationships Between Colonists, Slaves, and Native Americans Unpublished research |
Zych, L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2012 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 39(7): 2320–2328 |
Boulanger, M.T. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2012 | Temper Mixture Models and Assessing Ceramic Complexity in the Emerging Tarascan State Journal of Archaeological Science 39(10): 3195–3207. |
Hirshman, A.J. & Ferguson, J.R. | Pottery | Link to download |
2012 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 39(2): 321–331. |
Beck, M.E. et. al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2012 | Prehistoric Archaeology and the Fremont Frontier at North Meadow Valley Wash, Eastern Nevada Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Davis |
Cole, C.R. | Pottery | Link to download |
2012 | Technological Plasticity and Cultural Evolution Along the Central Coast of California Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California-Davis |
Stevens, N.E. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2013 |
Archaeometry 55(5): 880–892. |
Boulanger, M.T. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | Cerro Portezuelo: States and Hinterlands in the Pre-Hispanic Basin of Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica 24(1): 47–71. |
Nichols, D.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | Interpolity Pottery Exchange in the Tuxtla Mountains, Southern Veracruz, Mexico Latin American Antiquity 24(3): 262–288. |
Stoner, W.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | Ceramics and Political Economy of Moundville: A Compositional Study Using Neutron Activation Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama |
Salberg, D.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | Parowan Valley Potting Communities: Examining Technological Style in Fremont Snake Valley Corrugated Pottery Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Brigham Young University |
Ure, S.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | From Queshqa to Callango: A Paracas Obsidian Assemblage from the Lower Ica Valley, Peru. Nawpa Pacha 33(2): 163–192. |
DeLeonardis, L. & Glascock, M.D. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2013 | Albuquerque the Frontier? Exploring Migration and Social Identity in the Albuquerque Area durin the Late Development to Coalition Period Transition Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico |
Larson, D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | NAA of Ceramics from the Saronic Harbors Archaeological Project Unpublished research on ceramics from the Saronic Gulf, Greece |
Pullen, D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2013 | Unpublished report by Ferguson & Glascock entitled “NAA of Ceramics from Siin (Western Senegal).” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Richard, F. | Pottery | Link to download |
2014 | Bronze Age Potters in Regional Context: Long-Term Development of Ceramic Technology in the Eastern Eurasian Steppe Zone Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis |
Doumani, P.N. | Pottery | Link to download |
2014 | Pre-Columbian Regional Community Integration in Dominica, West Indies Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida |
Shearn, I. | Pottery | Link to download |
2014 | The Black Mountain Phase Occupation at Old Town: An Examination of Social and Technological Organization in the Mimbres Valley of Southwestern New Mexico, ca A.D. 1150-1300 Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas-Austin |
Taliaferro, M.S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2014 | Constructing Community in the Central Arkansas River Valley: Ceramic Compositional Analysis and Collaborative Archaeology Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas |
Wiewel, R. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Elemental Variation in Prehistoric Unionoida Shell: Implications for Ceramic Provenance Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 1:2-7. |
Boulanger, M.T. & Glascock, M.D. | Shell | Link to download |
2015 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 550-558. |
Boulanger, M.T. et al. | Chert | Link to download |
2015 | Visual and Geochemical Analyses of Obsidian Source Use at San Felipe Aztatán, Mexico Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40: 266–279. |
Pierce, D.E. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2015 | Pottery Production at the Phoenician Colony of El Castillo de Doña Blanca (El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain) c. 750-550 BCE Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, Harvard University |
Johnston, P.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 |
Journal of Field Archaeology 40(4): 428–449. |
Luke, C. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Entanglement: A Study of Neolithic Resource Exploitation in the Middle East Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University |
Nazaroff, A.J. | Chert | Link to download |
2015 | Pottery Exchange and Interaction at the Crystal River Site (BC11), Florida Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida |
Kemp, K.C. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | The Mimbres Transitional Phase: Examining Social, Demographic, and Environmental Resilience and Vulnerability from AD 900-1000 in Southwest New Mexico Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado |
Sedig, J.W. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Plural Communities on the Plains: Dismal River People and the Puebloan Disapora Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa |
Trabert, S.J. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Social Reorganization in the Mimbres Region of Southwestern New Mexico: The Classic to Postclassic Mimbres Transition (A.D. 1150 to 1450) Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado |
Putsavage, K. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | The Land of Flame Pottery: Regional Patterns in the Social Construction of Group Identities in the Middle Jomon Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, American University |
Ghobadi, A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Unpublished report by Ferguson & Glascock entitled “NAA of Early Shabe Kingdom (Benin) Ceramics.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Gurstelle, A.W. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Costly Signaling Among Great houses on the Chaco Periphery Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University |
Safi, K.N. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | Red-on-Black Style Ceramics: Production and Trade in Bronze Age Cyprus Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, New York University |
Spigelman, M.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | An Archaeological Investigation of Domestic Ceramics and Dining in 18th-Century Spain and Spanish Florida Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Boston University |
Swanson, K.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2015 | INAA of Ceramics from West Africa to Analyze Relationships Between Colonists, Slaves, and Native Americans Unpublished research |
Zych, L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 |
Antiquity 90: 798–808. |
Zhu, Jian et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | INAA of Mongolian Pottery to Investigate Political Complexity and Community Organization Unpublished research on pottery from Mongolia |
Gardner, W. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | INAA of Pottery from Pachacamac and Other Sites in the Lurin Valley Unpublished research on pottery from the Lurin Valley, Peru |
Ghezzi, I. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | Examining Population Movement and Community Resilience during the Hyper-dynamic peri-Medieval Climatic Anomaly Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska |
Greiman, N. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | Report by Ferguson & Glascock to Suzanne Griset entitled “NAA of Ceramics from West Central Utah.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Griset, S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | Geochemical Analysis of the Hittite-Period Pottery from Tarsus-Gozlukule, Turkey Archaeometry 58: 23–28. |
Karacic, S. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | Report by Gilstrap & Glascock to Mostafa Khazaee entitled “Provenance of Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (Yanik or Kura-Araxes) Potteries in the Northwest of Iran by NAA.” Unpublished report on file at MURR |
Khazaee, M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2016 | Ceramic Analysis of Mycenaean Cooking Ware Vessels and Its Implications for Early State Political Economics Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Classics, Florida State University |
Trusty, D.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2017 | Ceramic Entanglements at the Urartian Periphery: Technology as the Nexus of Politics and Practice Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania |
Fishman, S. | Pottery | Link to download |
2017 | Alternative Pathways to Ritual Power: A Provenance and Stylistic Study of Formative Caddo Vessels Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma |
Lambert, S.P. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 |
Journal of Archaeological Science 99: 35–46. |
Gilmore, Z. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 |
Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University |
Krotscheck, U. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | Geological Examination of Archaeological Middens in the Dominican Republic Archaeometry 60: 933–945. |
Nold, K.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | The Mineralogical and Chemical Variability of Casas Grandes Polychromes throughout the International Four Corners Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California Santa-Cruz |
Britton, E. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | Roosevelt Red Ware Production and Diverse Religious Practice in the Tonto Basin Unpublished research project – no final report |
Dungan, K. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | The Beef Basin Occupation as an Extension of the Northern San Juan Region: An In-Depth Analysis of the Ceramics in Beef Basin, Utah Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Brigham Young University |
Eckersley, J.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | Compositional Analysis of Intermountain Ware Pottery Manufacturing Areas in Western Wyoming, USA Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 18: 587–595 |
Finley, J.B. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery Use and Exchange at Saruq al-Hadid, UAE Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 22: 21–31 |
Karacic, S. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2018 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Contemporary Pottery from Tigray, Northern Highland Ethiopia African Archaeological Review 35: 567–595 |
Lyons, D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Compositional Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Glascock, M.D. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Giraldo, H.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Cultural Implications of Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Palmitopamba, Ecuador. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Lippi, R. & Gudino, A.M. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Fabric and Culture: Technological Change in Ecuadorian Finger-Painted Pottery. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Masucci, M.A. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Shimada, I. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Matsumoto, G. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Chemical Characterization and Patterns of Ceramic Movement in the Cajamarca Region of Northern Peru. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Toohey, J.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Burger, R.L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Conlee, C.A. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Wari Ceramic Production in the Heartland and Provinces. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Williams, P.R. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Compositional Analysis of Pre-Hispanic Pottery from the Dry Eastern Lowlands of Bolivia. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Gilstrap, W.D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Correa-Girrulat, I. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Uribe, M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Falabella, F. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Recruited or Annexed Lineages: A Chemical Analysis of Purén and Lumaco Pottery and Clays. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Cecil, L.G. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Williams, V.I. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Lazzari, M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Giesso, M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Neutron Activation Analysis of Archaeological Pottery from Mendoza, Central Western Argentina. In: Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Studies of Production and Exchange through Compositional Analysis. Glascock, M. D., H. Neff and K. J. Vaughn, Eds. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press. |
Sugranes, N. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 |
Microchemical Journal 147: 1117–1122. |
Zhu, J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Are They Local or Foreign? In: Pre-Colonial and Post-Contact Archaeology in Barbados: Past, Present and Future Research Directions, edited by M.S. de Waal, N. Finnerman, M.C. Reilly, D.V. Armstrong & K. Farmer. Sidestone Press, Leiden. |
Farmer, K. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2019 | Rethinking the Gallinazo: A Northern Perspective from the Mid-Zana Valley, Peru Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale |
Sharp, K. | Pottery | Link to download |
2020 |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 34: 102642. |
Overholtzer, L. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2020 | Pottery conveyance in North Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for human mobility across the region. Journal of Archaeological Science 114: 105081. |
Sugranes, N. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2020 |
Ancient Mesoamerica 32(2): 316–334. |
De Lucia, K. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2020 | Challenging the Village Concept: Bayesian Analysis and Chemical Characterization in the Mogollon Early Pithouse Period of the US Southwest Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas-San Antonio |
Barkwill-Love, L.L. | Pottery | Link to download |
2020 |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33: 102542 |
Chiu, S. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2020 | A Study of Fremont Snake Valley Black-on-gray Ceramics from Sites in Northern Utah and the Parowan Valley Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Brigham Young University |
Lambert, S.K.Y.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2021 |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35: 102666. |
Douglas, J.E. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2021 | Pottery Making Tradition in Logroño: An Archaeometric Approach to the Late Medieval Workshops Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13(5): 1-19 |
Calparsoro, E. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2021 | Lost at Sea: Identifying the Post-Depositional Alteration of Amphora from Ancient Shipwrecks Journal of Archaeological Science 134: 105463 |
Mise, M. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2021 | Evaluating the Role of Social Movements in the Middle-to-Late Woodland Transition on the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida |
Jenkins, J.A. | Pottery | Link to download |
2022 |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41: 103311 |
Caso, G. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2022 | Sayrosa, a Minor Obsidian Source in the Puna of Arequipa. Ñawpa Pacha 42(2): 185-204. |
Burger, R.L. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2022 | The Charaña Obsidian Source and Its Role in the Prehispanic Exchange Networks of the Titicaca Basin. Ñawpa Pacha 42(1): 1-16. |
Burger, R.L. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2023 |
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 71: 101528 |
Duke, C.T. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2023 | Compositional characterization of pottery and clays from Guam by NAA. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 50: 104098 |
Glascock, M.D. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2023 |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 48: 103859 |
Jenkins, J.A. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |
2023 |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 51: 104134 |
Loyola, R. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2023 |
Arqueologíca Iberoamericana 52: 98-108 |
Pérez, A.E. et al. | Obsidian | Link to download |
2023 |
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology |
Wallis, N.J. et al. | Pottery | Link to download |